Conditions are unfavorable, the field is wide and competition is rough, but all of this doesn’t matter as long as you have team players with spirits of warriors, a team who can change reality and endure the circumstances with devotion, a team that can always change the game rules in its favor. This chapter is about team principles.
We take our work seriously, we love 9 am and we strive for our clients best interest. However we don’t allow the gloomy cloud of work to come over our heads. We love life and preserve it as the most precious thing we have. We think that spending our time at work is not fair. So we actually don’t work. We are just playing most of the time.
We are in the field of creative technology! what could be more fun than that? And why we would want to turn our fun roles into just regular boring jobs. Each one of us is spending his time doing what he loves the most. We believe in tasks and deadlines, but no one will blame you for failing or missing something. We will be just waiting for your next nice move.
That's why one of Baianat rules is “ if you felt you are working then leave”. It’s important to be passionate about what you do. And curiosity is the first sign of passion. When you play with passion, work can take over your life and sneak into your dreams. So we appreciate great chefs, those who add their own twists into the dishes. We are not asking you to be one of them, however, we expect you to have enough passion to dig that deep.
Over the time we learned that faith is not something you can learn by reading a book. It gets developed over a long period of time and by passing by variety of situations. You might not know it, but faith is what makes you wake everyday determining on changing the world.
Believers are those who change the world. Because when something settles down in their hearts, they won’t stop talking about it until it's reality. We think that having faith and believing a certain idea is better than having faith in persons. After all, persons might change, but ideas could never die.
Success is overrated and the idea that every new project should be the next hit is ridiculous. Fear is a human instinct that motivate us to survive, so you can’t take get rid of; but you can’t let it control you or make you feel helpless and prevent you from providing the creativity you deserve and can offer, don’t be afraid of the unusual.
In Baianat, when we feel weird about something we just do it as we are sure it will attract attention and succeed. We can try things that we know it will fail just to learn from the experiment. We don’t pretend fake perfection as we are humans who need three phases to learn something.
The first step is always reading at least one manual book about it. Then implementing what we learned while practicing to see what fits in and what doesn’t work practically. Then have our analytics and tools in place ready for giving the needed insights. This is how we guarantee real experience. Without this learning process, we would turn into repeaters. And this is exactly what we are not.
People are looking for what's unique. They are bored with the regular. Being bizarre is the trend. But don’t be different for the sake of being different. You need to think with purpose and see things from a different perspective.
In our pursuit to that we stopped thinking outside the box, we actually built our own world and sold that box. We are rebellious and never walk with the flow. We deserve to be our own version. This is what we tell each ourselves every morning.
We never say that we are OK. When anyone complaints about our work we look back at it and say “ well, but if we made this a little thinner, it would have been better” then we get inspired and go for experiencing the new change.
When people apply to join the team, they keep talking about their success stories and how they saved the day, well that’s great but we are in need for actions. Get yourself into the playground and show us your best moves. We don’t need all this propaganda. We are real and that’s what we tell to those who join us” don’t tell, just pull a chair and start building something".
The road is long but great things takes patience. It doesn’t matter how many times you actually failed as all great warriors couldn’t have been great without having many scares at first. If you think to yourself that it’s hard to get it done, take a moment to think of what you’re doing? Is it really important to you? If yes then you should know that there will always be little ups and way more downs, if you are not self-motivated, consistency will be a rough for you. However consistency in the wrong road is a disaster so set your compass north first before sail.
We all have our fears. It’s part of our nature as human beings and even heroes do. But It’s all about managing it and having control. It’s not reasonable to have fear controlling your life. In Baianat we tell ourselves what’s the worst case scenario? We know it and get ready for it. We don’t block ourselves in the cage of “ i don’t how it works” we try and error.
Over the time we learned that faith is not something you can learn by reading a book. It gets developed over a long enough period of time and by passing along variety of situations. You might not know it but faith is what makes you wake everyday determining on changing the world. Believers are those who change the world. If something is deep inside your heart you won’t stop talking about it. Having faith and believing a certain idea is better than having faith in persons. Faith is your tool of facing tomorrow. Having a team of believers is our strategy to changing the world.
We don’t believe in talent, cleverness, stupidity, creativity or any other term that some people invented to make success look hard for others. We only know for sure that practicing for a while will get you better. This is called diligence and its the only path we know for success.
We are always studying and living in the exam night status. We are not saying you should die over the books or hanged with your keyboard string we are just saying that taking things way too easy is the first step towards laziness. And laziness bring carelessness which result in lake of responsibility and wastes a lot of opportunities. So you need to tell yourself everyday that it’s whether you succeed or succeed.
The difference between professional player and good player is the readability, through good behaving and Emotional stability, speed and diversity of performance at anytime and any place at the field. But of course he has his own place where he perform the best; but what we mean is that if he is forced to play where he doesn’t belong he will be ready.
Those players are the ones who change reality, every player must be capable of taking role at anytime and anywhere.
There is a difference between special player and effective player who is irreplaceable, who take the responsibility and initiative to do something voluntarily, when he sees a problem he tries to take action and solve it, but other people who are saying “it’s not my job” they never change anything, they don’t make progress; Only precious coins shine.
We love the sound of “we”. And we use it very often while speaking in meetings, conferences on our personal social media accounts or whatever. We brag about being a group and how that enables us to think better with two minds instead of one. Getting help is not an option, you’re obliged to ask for help when you need it. We rarely say “ I did” as we deny ourselves and inherit the team. We believe that in business world, it’s either a team or say goodbye to the game.
As we share the same mission, we act as one. We know that our relationships are what matters and being humans is a drive for us to worry and care for each other. We work like gears and each one of us depend on the other to take the next move.
One small delay or mistake affects the entire operations quality and speed that’s one of the reasons why we all work hard. We know that maybe we are just here because it’s the destiny of one of the team member’s.
Solidarity is an essential treat to every team member, we are all working as one man with one goal, no one is working alone, everyone take a role and share his problems and goals with others. We believe that work is not apart from life, but it’s a bigger part of our personal life, it’s a duty to help and support each other, this is what we truly believe in at Baianat.
We never say that we are ok. When anyone complaints about our work we look back at it and say “ well, but if did this a little thinner it would have been better” then we get inspired and go for experiencing the new change. When people apply to join the team they keep talking about their success stories and how they saved the day, well that’s great but we are in need for actions. Get yourself into the playground and show us your best moves. We don’t need all this propaganda we are real and that’s what we tell to those who join us” don’t tell, just do and show what you did”.
We were born as freemen and given the opportunity to explore as much as we can. Working doesn’t mean losing your humanity or your own identity. We give everyone the space to try different tastes without chunking rules and red-tape.
We are in the creative industry where freedom is one of the critical elements of success. Everyone should feel free and fully permitted to make decisions and commit to them. This freestyle comes with great responsibilities and the guarantee that you are similar to us. In Baianat freedom has two eyes.
Teamwork is the ability to work together to achieve a common vision, the ability to direct individual goals in the direction of the entity goals. It’s the fuel that motivate average people to achieve unexpected results, teamwork is the soul of the team, without it we collapse.
As Marcus Aurelius said “That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees”.
Each member is like a bee working in a tireless hive to produce high quality products that can change cultures and impact the world.
Physical work environment is a central factor in increasing productivity and creativity especially when the stress increases, if a stable, calm and entertaining environment is not provided to extract creativity and increase productivity you should say goodbye to your business, as what can be accomplished in a single day will be accomplished in a month. As well as the physiological status and negative energy in the place, so work environment is more than important.
Don’t stay too much in the past, use it to make a point but then get over it. Nothing really matters at this point, only your attitude to the past matters.
“It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.” said by Anthony Robbins.
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