Uniting authentic enthusiasts from different ages, locations, and fields of expertise under the mission of spreading awareness and making the world a better place by exchanging knowledge.
Our seeders are experts and community members from a variety of backgrounds who share our passion for technology, love Baianat culture and want to leave their fingerprints on the planet.
Be a member of an active community of like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful conversations.
Get a chance to work closely with Baianat team, enjoy exclusive training sessions, and get access to materials and guides that would help you owe on the personal level.
Present us in your country or campus and host various events that support the community. Ensure the spirit is always there with early bird access to Baianat ventures, products, events, and coolest brand swags.
A part of the seeders programs, you can enjoy a special agenda of activities every month that connects you with like-minded professionals from all over the world.
Baianat seeders are part of our culture and should carry our DNA. That’s why to look for active and self-motivated leaders who are striving for change.
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