We strive to integrate sustainability into everything we do, the community=ies we live in and into the future generations we are seeking to inspire everyday.
We believe that the world has much potential that is hidden under severe living conditions and it’s our role to provide better living conditions to more humans everyday.
By joining forces with no-profits, we are on the march towards eradicating hunger. We empower organizations and promote reasonable consumption of food resources.
We work with our partners to save lives everyday. Through our healthcare initiatives and by integrating technology into the industry, we hope to reveal the pains of many.
Encouraging girls to be proud of who they are and helping them discover their true identity and act upon it all the time regardless of community constraints.
Helping more businesses thrive in the digital era and contributing to a decent life for more humans by providing more opportunities.
Striving to equal opportunities providing for everyone and fighting all forms of discrimination whether internally or externally.
We work to bring better life for communities around the globe with direct initiatives and civic work support.
Supporting humans inside Baianat and outside in the whole world by spreading awareness and empowerment actions.
Leading the movement towards a sustainable planet where everyone is acting responsibly and as one towards saving our world.
Creating a better world doesn't happen in a blink. With small actions every time, we aim for a better world onwards.