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Sbont node.js

Sbont is a node framework built to make developers’ coding process easier. Instead of having them repeat and rewrite their code structure over and over again, we built Sbont to make the process of building server-side applications easier and more organized for backend developers.

It serves as a framework that facilitates the coding process by offering an out-of-the-box base structure to build upon, with the ability to freely extend according to business needs.

Sbont aims to make developers focus more on business logic and less on development structure and writing code when it comes to building APIs. It targets backend developers and provides a better way for organizing the folder structure of their applications, increase their productivity and save time.

The framework development was meant to be so developers don’t waste time learning a complex framework which could slow their development process rather than speed it up.

We chose the friendly penguin to be our brand mascot to express our core value which is that our framework makes coding easier and is simple to use and implement.

Sbont will be launched by early 2020, but you can check the brand and website design on Behance and leave us your comments.

UI/UX design
Brand identity